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Herramientas del sitio


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Servicio DHCP

Veremos como configurar un servidor DHCP con alta disponibilidad y configuracion replicada por medio de Cscync2


Script para verificar la cantidad de leases activos expirados y abandonados

# script to list active, expired and abandoned leases.
# Original script received by Ian Jones, ltjones@hawkeye.ualr.edu
# Current Version by Rainer Krienke, krienke@uni-koblenz.de
# Version 1.0
# Added: - output in local timezone
#        - output in HTML  using -w option 
#        - eliminate double entries for same ip address
# TL: Rework for nslu2/thttpd cgi script.
#     Rewrite parse to deal with ddns lines.
#	Break out clients & addresses.
#     Install in /opt/bin/leaseholders.txt
#     Add a script to copy to /home/httpd/html/leaseholders.cgi
use Getopt::Std;
use Date::Manip;
use CGI;
# Look for Options
# Echo help message 
if( $opt_h || $res =="" ){
	die "$0 [-w]  List active and expired DHCP leases \n",
	    "\t -w: output is not written in HTML format.\n\n";
$abandonedc = 0;
$leasesc = 0;
$expiredc = 0;
# Find local host name -- from IP address if possible.
$ipName = `localhost`;
open(CFG, "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ixp0");
while ($line = <CFG>) {
	next if ( $line =~ /^\s*#/o );
	$mline = $line;
	@wds = split( '=',$mline);
	next if ( $wds[0] ne "IPADDR" );
	$ipAddr = $wds[1];
	@numbers = split(/\./, $ipAddr);
	$ip_number = pack("C4", @numbers);
	($ipName) = (gethostbyaddr($ip_number, 2))[0];
chomp($localhost = $ipName);
# Format (see man date) in that the expiration date is echoed.
# Select the format of your choice. If you want the lease time to 
# be printed in amarican style put a comment char ``#'' right in 
# front of the first $outputDateFormat line and remove it from the
# second one.
# European Style date
#$outputDateFormat="%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y ";
# American style date
$outputDateFormat="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";
# ### point this to your dhcpd.leases ###
# /etc/dhcpd.leases and /var/state/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases 
# will be seachred by default.
$LEASEFILE = "/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases";
if( ! -r $LEASEFILE ){
	if( -r "/etc/dhcpd.leases" ){
		die "Cannot find \"dhcpd.leases\" file \n";
# ### get universal date from system    ###
$xTZ = &ParseDate("now");
$x=Date_ConvTZ($xTZ, $tz, "UTC");
open(LEASES, "$LEASEFILE") or die "Can't open $LEASEFILE";
$inlease = 0;
while ($line = <LEASES>) {
	next if( $line =~ /^\s*#/o );
	$mline = $line;
	$mline=~ s/  / /g;
	@wds = split( ' ',$mline);
	if( !$inlease ) {
		# Look for a lease record
		next if( $wds[0] ne "lease" );
		$ipAddr = $wds[1];
		@numbers = split(/\./, $ipAddr);
		$ip_number = pack("C4", @numbers);
		($ipName) = (gethostbyaddr($ip_number, 2))[0];
		if ($ipName) {
		} else {
		   $ipName = "<unknown>";
		$startDt = "<unknown>";
		$endDt = "<unknown>";
		$endNever = 0;
		$ddnsClient = "<unknown>";
		$ethAddr = "<unknown>";
		$hostName = "<unknown>";
		$leaseState = "<unknown>";
		$leaseAbandoned = 0;
		$inlease = 1;
	# Parse each clause in lease
	if( $wds[0] eq "starts" ) {
		$startDt = join( ' ', $wds[2], $wds[3] );
		# Parse Date in Date::Manip internel format
		# Convert it to local timezone
		$startDtTZ=Date_ConvTZ($startDtUTC,"UTC", $tz);
		# Finally make a human readable date string out of it
		$startDt=UnixDate($startDtTZ, ($outputDateFormat) ) ;
	if( $wds[0] eq "ends" ) {
		if( $wds[2] eq "never" ) {
			$endDt = "2999\/01\/01 12:00:00";
			$endNever = 1;
		} else {
			$endDt = join( ' ', $wds[2], $wds[3] );
		# Parse Date in Date::Manip internel format
		# Convert it to local timezone
		$endDtTZ=Date_ConvTZ($endDtUTC,"UTC", $tz);
		# Finally make a human readable date string out of it
		$endDt=UnixDate($endDtTZ, ($outputDateFormat) ) ;
	if( $wds[0] eq "hardware" ) {
		$ethAddr = $wds[2];
	if( $wds[0] eq "client-hostname" ) {
		$hostName = $wds[1];
		$hostName=~ s/"//g;
	if( $wds[0] eq "binding" ) {
		$leaseState = $wds[2];
	if( $wds[0] eq "set" ) {
		if( $wds[1] eq "ddns-client-fqdn" ) {
			$ddnsClient = $wds[3];
	if( $wds[0] eq "abandoned;" ) {
		$leaseAbandoned = 1;
	if( $wds[0] ne "}" ) {
	## End of lease data, generate output
	$inlease = 0;
	if( $ipName eq "<unknown>" ) {
		$ipName = $ddnsClient;
	$endDt = "dyn-bootp: never" if( $endNever );
	$lease = sprintf "%-17s %-15s %-19s %-19s %-25s %s\n",
	$ClientLeases{$ethAddr} = $lease;
	$ClientLeaseTime{$ethAddr} = $endDtUTC;
	$ClientLeaseState{$ethAddr} = $leaseState;
	if( $leaseAbandoned ) {
		# Unexpectedly found someone with this address
		$AbandonedAddresses[$abandonedc++] = $lease;
	if( $leaseState eq "active" ) {
		$ActiveLeases{$ipAddr} = $lease;
	} else {
		$ExpiredLease{$ipAddr} = $lease;
if( !$opt_w ){
	$q = new CGI;
	print $q->header('text/html');
	print $q->start_html( -title=>"DHCP status on $localhost",
			      -status=>'200 OK',
			      -BGCOLOR=>'white' );
	print "<PRE>\n";
# Sort each hash & return the keys for in-order access
@ClientKeys = sort(keys(%ClientLeases));	# MAC address order
@ActiveKeys = sort(keys(%ActiveLeases));	# IP address order
@ExpiredKeys = sort(keys(%ExpiredLeases));	# IP address order
@abandoned = sort(@abandoned);			# MAC, IP address (?)
$xDate=UnixDate($xTZ, ($outputDateFormat) ) ;
print "DHCP leases issued by $localhost as of $xDate\n";
$actc = 0;
print "\nActive Clients:";
foreach $i  ( @ClientKeys ) {
	next if( $ClientLeaseState{$i} ne "active" );
	if( $actc++ == 0 ) {
		print "\nEthernet Address";
                print "     IP Address";
                print "     Lease Issue Time";
                print "    Expiration Time";
                print "	      Client Hostname";
                print "       DNS Hostname\n";
		print "-----------------";
                print " ---------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------------";
                print " --------------------";
                print "---------------------\n";
	print $ClientLeases{$i};
if( $actc == 0 ) {
	printf " None\n";
} else {
	printf "Total active clients: %d\n", $actc;
$iactc = 0;
print "\nInactive Clients:";
foreach $i  ( @ClientKeys ) {
	next if( $ClientLeaseState{$i} eq "active" );
	if( $iactc++ == 0 ) {
		print "\nEthernet Address";
                print "     IP Address";
                print "     Lease Issue Time";
                print "    Expiration Time";
                print "	      Client Hostname";
                print "       DNS Hostname\n";
		print "-----------------";
                print " ---------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------------";
                print " --------------------";
                print "---------------------\n";
	print $ClientLeases{$i};
if( $iactc == 0 ) {
	printf " None\n";
} else {
	printf "Total inactive clients: %d\n", $iactc;
$actn = 0;
print "\nActive Addresses:";
foreach $i  ( @ActiveKeys ) {
	if( $actn++ == 0 ) {
		print "\nEthernet Address";
                print "     IP Address";
                print "     Lease Issue Time";
                print "    Expiration Time";
                print "	      Client Hostname";
                print "       DNS Hostname\n";
		print "-----------------";
                print " ---------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------------";
                print " --------------------";
                print "---------------------\n";
	print $ActiveLeases{$i};
if( $actn == 0 ) {
	printf " None\n";
} else {
	printf "Total Active: %d\n", $actn;
$expn = 0;
print "\nExpired Leases:";
foreach $i  ( @ExpiredKeys ) {
	@wds = split( ' ', $ExpiredLeases{$i});
	if( !defined($ActiveLeaseTime{$wds[1]}) ) {
		if( $expn++ == 0 ) {
			print "\nEthernet Address";
	                print "     IP Address";
			print "     Lease Issue Time";
			print "    Expiration Time";
			print "	      Client Hostname";
			print "       DNS Hostname\n";
			print "-----------------";
			print " ---------------";
			print " -------------------";
			print " -------------------";
			print " -------------------------";
                        print " --------------------";
                        print "---------------------\n";
		print $ExpiredLeases{$i};
if( $expn == 0 ) {
	printf " None\n";
} else {
	printf "Total expired: %d\n", $expn;
$abdn = 0;
print "\nAbandoned Addresses:";
foreach $i  ( @abandoned ) {
	if( $abdn++ == 0 ) {
		print "\nEthernet Address";
                print "     IP Address";
                print "     Lease Issue Time";
                print "    Expiration Time";
                print "	      Client Hostname";
                print "       DNS Hostname\n";
		print "-----------------";
                print " ---------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------";
                print " -------------------------";
                print " --------------------";
                print "---------------------\n";
	print $i;
if( $abdn == 0 ) {
	printf " None\n";
} else {
	printf "Total abandoned: %d\n", $abdn;
printf "\n";
if( !$opt_w ){
	print "</PRE>\n";
	$me = $q->url();
	print $q->a({href=>$me},"Refresh");
	print $q->br();
	print $q->a({href=>"/"}, "Home Page");
	print $q->end_html;
# Last line of /opt/bin/leaseholders.cgi
manuales/servidor_dhcp.1290006387.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2010/11/17 15:06 por cayu