Herramientas de usuario

Herramientas del sitio


¡Esta es una revisión vieja del documento!

Utilidades de Red


Agregar ruta estatica

ip route add via dev eth1
route add -net netmask gw dev eth1

Forzar el modo ethernet

Ejemplo, forzar a 100M Full duplex sin autonegociacion a la eth0

ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off

Conectarse a redes Wi Fi

Primero bajamos el servicio de Network Manager si es que lo tenemos instalado

service NetworkMananger stop

Ejecutamos un scan sobre la interfaz para ver si encontró alguna red

iwlist wlan0 scan

Establecemos el ESSID y el AP

iwconfig wlan0 essid Wireless
iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:A0:C5:77:FC:7E

Si tiene clave

iwconfig wlan0 key PASSWORD

Ejecutamos iwconfig para ver si tomo todo y despues a tomar ip

dhclient wlan0

Script para parsear el iwlist scan

Salida de ejemplo

Name    Address             Quality   Channel   Encryption
wifi_1  01:23:45:67:89:AB   100 %     11        WPA v.1     
wifi_2  01:23:45:67:89:AC    76 %     11        WEP         
wifi_3  01:23:45:67:89:AD    51 %     11        Open        
wifi_4  01:23:45:67:89:AE    50 %     11        WPA v.1     
wifi_5  01:23:45:67:89:AF    43 %     4         Open        
wifi_6  01:23:45:67:89:AG    43 %     4         WPA v.1

Script : iwlist wlan0 scan | iwlistparse.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
# iwlistparse.py
# Hugo Chargois - 17 jan. 2010 - v.0.1
# Parses the output of iwlist scan into a table
import sys
# You can add or change the functions to parse the properties of each AP (cell)
# below. They take one argument, the bunch of text describing one cell in iwlist
# scan and return a property of that cell.
def get_name(cell):
    return matching_line(cell,"ESSID:")[1:-1]
def get_quality(cell):
    quality = matching_line(cell,"Quality=").split()[0].split('/')
    return str(int(round(float(quality[0]) / float(quality[1]) * 100))).rjust(3) + " %"
def get_channel(cell):
    return matching_line(cell,"Channel:")
def get_encryption(cell):
    if matching_line(cell,"Encryption key:") == "off":
        for line in cell:
            matching = match(line,"IE:")
            if matching!=None:
                wpa=match(matching,"WPA Version ")
                if wpa!=None:
                    enc="WPA v."+wpa
        if enc=="":
    return enc
def get_address(cell):
    return matching_line(cell,"Address: ")
# Here's a dictionary of rules that will be applied to the description of each
# cell. The key will be the name of the column in the table. The value is a
# function defined above.
# Here you can choose the way of sorting the table. sortby should be a key of
# the dictionary rules.
def sort_cells(cells):
    sortby = "Quality"
    reverse = True
    cells.sort(None, lambda el:el[sortby], reverse)
# You can choose which columns to display here, and most importantly in what order. Of
# course, they must exist as keys in the dict rules.
# Below here goes the boring stuff. You shouldn't have to edit anything below
# this point
def matching_line(lines, keyword):
    """Returns the first matching line in a list of lines. See match()"""
    for line in lines:
        if matching!=None:
            return matching
    return None
def match(line,keyword):
    """If the first part of line (modulo blanks) matches keyword,
    returns the end of that line. Otherwise returns None"""
    if line[:length] == keyword:
        return line[length:]
        return None
def parse_cell(cell):
    """Applies the rules to the bunch of text describing a cell and returns the
    corresponding dictionary"""
    for key in rules:
    return parsed_cell
def print_table(table):
    widths=map(max,map(lambda l:map(len,l),zip(*table))) #functional magic
    justified_table = []
    for line in table:
        for i,el in enumerate(line):
    for line in justified_table:
        for el in line:
            print el,
def print_cells(cells):
    for cell in cells:
        for column in columns:
def main():
    """Pretty prints the output of iwlist scan into a table"""
    for line in sys.stdin:
        cell_line = match(line,"Cell ")
        if cell_line != None:
            line = cell_line[-27:]
    for cell in cells:

Sacado de : http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=88967

Analisis de volcados tcpdump


Written by Kenjiro Cho, tcpdstat is a powerful tool that performs an in-depth protocol breakdown by bytes and packets. It further displays average and maximum transfer rates, IP flow information, and packet size distribution. Dave Dittrich applied several tweaks the tool to support a broader range of protocols and services, and to report more details about flow rates.

Here is an example output (of Dave's enhanced version):

DumpFile:  trace.pcap
FileSize: 98876.89MB
Id: 200703011241
StartTime: (anonymized)
EndTime:   (anonymized)
TotalTime: 7216.13 seconds
TotalCapSize: 96826.91MB  CapLen: 1514 bytes
# of packets: 134347439 (96826.91MB)
AvgRate: 113.10Mbps  stddev:47.96M   PeakRate: 260.92Mbps

### IP flow (unique src/dst pair) Information ###
# of flows: 1612801  (avg. 83.30 pkts/flow)
Top 10 big flow size (bytes/total in %):
 33.6%  3.2%  2.2%  1.5%  1.4%  1.0%  1.0%  0.9%  0.8%  0.8%

### IP address Information ###
# of IPv4 addresses: 480065
Top 10 bandwidth usage (bytes/total in %):
 34.4% 34.4%  3.3%  3.3%  3.0%  2.7%  2.3%  1.8%  1.5%  1.5%

### Packet Size Distribution (including MAC headers) ###
< <<<
 [   32-   63]:   20839652
 [   64-  127]:   38798140
 [  128-  255]:    3947049
 [  256-  511]:    3746280
 [  512- 1023]:    5675556
 [ 1024- 2047]:   61340762

### Protocol Breakdown ###
< <<<
     protocol           packets                 bytes           bytes/pkt
[0] total        134347439 (100.00%)     101530372750 (100.00%)    755.73
[1] ip           134347439 (100.00%)     101530372750 (100.00%)    755.73
[2]  tcp         118172509 ( 87.96%)      97361936181 ( 95.89%)    823.90
[3]   ftpdata        18640 (  0.01%)         16529412 (  0.02%)    886.77
[3]   ftp            72372 (  0.05%)          4697330 (  0.00%)     64.91
[3]   ssh         13849679 ( 10.31%)      11113777353 ( 10.95%)    802.46
[3]   telnet          9007 (  0.01%)          1526445 (  0.00%)    169.47
[3]   smtp         2133471 (  1.59%)       1447293494 (  1.43%)    678.38
[3]   name              23 (  0.00%)             1426 (  0.00%)     62.00
[3]   dns            35071 (  0.03%)          7071657 (  0.01%)    201.64
[3]   http(s)     25043480 ( 18.64%)      30677552254 ( 30.22%)   1224.97
[3]   http(c)     16165378 ( 12.03%)       2182851897 (  2.15%)    135.03
[3]   kerb5            370 (  0.00%)            30610 (  0.00%)     82.73
[3]   pop3           82382 (  0.06%)         26718043 (  0.03%)    324.32
[3]   sunrpc            30 (  0.00%)             3002 (  0.00%)    100.07
[3]   ident           5107 (  0.00%)           322074 (  0.00%)     63.07
[3]   nntp            1262 (  0.00%)           292679 (  0.00%)    231.92
[3]   epmap         209144 (  0.16%)         12909976 (  0.01%)     61.73
[3]   netb-se       404237 (  0.30%)         47178014 (  0.05%)    116.71
[3]   imap          125983 (  0.09%)        100889454 (  0.10%)    800.82
[3]   bgp              482 (  0.00%)            43139 (  0.00%)     89.50
[3]   ldap            7131 (  0.01%)          1434769 (  0.00%)    201.20
[3]   https        2941177 (  2.19%)       1802114169 (  1.77%)    612.72
[3]   ms-ds         245214 (  0.18%)         24263111 (  0.02%)     98.95
[3]   rtsp         1023246 (  0.76%)        691696863 (  0.68%)    675.98
[3]   ldaps           2828 (  0.00%)           209272 (  0.00%)     74.00
[3]   socks           7883 (  0.01%)          1340672 (  0.00%)    170.07
[3]   kasaa          13348 (  0.01%)          1124944 (  0.00%)     84.28
[3]   mssql-s       309786 (  0.23%)         20411848 (  0.02%)     65.89
[3]   squid          51381 (  0.04%)         14079861 (  0.01%)    274.03
[3]   ms-gc           1865 (  0.00%)           493682 (  0.00%)    264.71
[3]   ms-gcs          2034 (  0.00%)           481178 (  0.00%)    236.57
[3]   hotline            6 (  0.00%)              682 (  0.00%)    113.67
[3]   realaud        19784 (  0.01%)         13197979 (  0.01%)    667.10
[3]   icecast       390203 (  0.29%)        291651836 (  0.29%)    747.44
[3]   gnu6346         6324 (  0.00%)          1048473 (  0.00%)    165.79
[3]   gnu6348          342 (  0.00%)            26047 (  0.00%)     76.16
[3]   gnu6349           14 (  0.00%)             2767 (  0.00%)    197.64
[3]   gnu6350            4 (  0.00%)              732 (  0.00%)    183.00
[3]   irc6666            7 (  0.00%)              434 (  0.00%)     62.00
[3]   irc6667         1379 (  0.00%)           196155 (  0.00%)    142.24
[3]   irc6668            2 (  0.00%)              124 (  0.00%)     62.00
[3]   irc6669            9 (  0.00%)              666 (  0.00%)     74.00
[3]   napster           21 (  0.00%)             1344 (  0.00%)     64.00
[3]   irc7000            7 (  0.00%)              824 (  0.00%)    117.71
[3]   http-a        129807 (  0.10%)         71136838 (  0.07%)    548.02
[3]   other       54862568 ( 40.84%)      48787331392 ( 48.05%)    889.26
[2]  udp          13069221 (  9.73%)       3895596348 (  3.84%)    298.07
[3]   name              18 (  0.00%)             1989 (  0.00%)    110.50
[3]   dns          1799081 (  1.34%)        264263480 (  0.26%)    146.89
[3]   kerb5            100 (  0.00%)            25812 (  0.00%)    258.12
[3]   sunrpc           581 (  0.00%)            57157 (  0.00%)     98.38
[3]   ntp            50387 (  0.04%)          4534933 (  0.00%)     90.00
[3]   epmap             17 (  0.00%)             1824 (  0.00%)    107.29
[3]   netb-ns       148619 (  0.11%)         14736588 (  0.01%)     99.16
[3]   netb-se         1272 (  0.00%)           328673 (  0.00%)    258.39
[3]   ms-ds              8 (  0.00%)              883 (  0.00%)    110.38
[3]   kazaa             29 (  0.00%)             3546 (  0.00%)    122.28
[3]   mssql-s           44 (  0.00%)             3832 (  0.00%)     87.09
[3]   mcast        7216682 (  5.37%)       1943012688 (  1.91%)    269.24
[3]   realaud       459195 (  0.34%)        273532235 (  0.27%)    595.68
[3]   halflif           81 (  0.00%)             5890 (  0.00%)     72.72
[3]   starcra           45 (  0.00%)             6367 (  0.00%)    141.49
[3]   everque            9 (  0.00%)             1351 (  0.00%)    150.11
[3]   unreal          1066 (  0.00%)            93951 (  0.00%)     88.13
[3]   quake             20 (  0.00%)             1860 (  0.00%)     93.00
[3]   other        3384119 (  2.52%)       1394472416 (  1.37%)    412.06
[2]  icmp          3105709 (  2.31%)        272840221 (  0.27%)     87.85
[2]  frag            30903 (  0.02%)         25672129 (  0.03%)    830.73





IPTState is a top-like interface to your netfilter connection-tracking table. Using iptstate you interactively watch where traffic crossing your netfilter/iptables firewall is going, sort by various criteria, limit the view by various criteria


Sniffers y mediciones

Network Grep - ngrep

Muestra y busca paquetes. Ngrep se esfuerza por proveer de la mayoría de características comunes del “grep” de GNU, aplicándolas a la capa de network ({“network layer”} del modelo de referencia OSI). ngrep es consciente de la presencia de pcap y permite usar expresiones regulares que concuerden con el “payload” ( o sea la carga, el cuerpo, y _no_ los encabezados) de los paquetes. Actualmente reconoce TCP, UDP, e ICMP sobre Ethernet, PPP, SLIP e interfaces nulas {“null interfaces”}, y comprende la lógica de un filtro “bpf” de la misma manera que herramientas más comunes de sniffing como tcpdump y snoop.

Usage examples:

ngrep '' udp (print all UDP packets)

ngrep '' icmp (print all ICMP packets)

ngrep '' port 53 (print TCP or UDP port 53 packets)

ngrep '' tcp port 23 (print TCP port 23 packets)

ngrep 'LILWORD' port 138 (print Microsoft browsing traffic for NT domain LILWORLD)

ngrep -iq 'rcpt to|mail from' tcp port 25 (monitor current delivery and print sender and recipients)

ngrep 'user' port 110 (monitor POP3)

ngrep -q 'abcd' icmp (Microsoft operating systems fill the ICMP payload with the alphabet; is the "pinging" host running a 
Microsoft operating system?)

ngrep -iq 'user-agent' tcp port 80 (determine client application that client host is running)

ngrep '220' port 21 (determine version of FTP server)

ngrep 'SSH' port 22 (investigate Secure Shell)

ngrep -v '' port 23 (see all traffic but telnet)

ngrep -d le0 '' (listen to le0)

Useful flags:

-A n (prints out "n" packets after the match)

-l (pipe the output of ngrep to another program for more processing)

-v (print all lines not matching the expression)

-d (specify the device you want to monitor)


Un posteo interesante en un blog : http://seguridadyredes.nireblog.com/post/2010/02/24/esas-pequenas-utilidades-ngrep


tcptrack is a sniffer which displays information about TCP connections it sees on a network interface. It passively watches for connections on the network interface, keeps track of their state and displays a list of connections in a manner similar to the unix 'top' command. It displays source and destination addresses and ports, connection state, idle time, and bandwidth usage. The following screenshot explains a lot:

La sintaxis es similar a la de tcpdump

# tcptrack -i eth0 port 80
# tcptrack -i eth0 host and port 8080
#tcptrack  -i eth0 src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst s2.youtube.com or src or dst youtube.com or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst www.youtube.com or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst  or src or dst or src or dst or src or dst



bmon is a portable bandwidth monitor with multiple input methods and output modes. A set of architecture specific input modules provide the core with the listof interfaces and their counters. The core stores this counters and provides rate estimation including a history over the last 60 seconds, minutes, hours and days to the output modules which output them according to the configuration.

Para instalarlo

apt-get install bmon

Ref.: http://freshmeat.net/projects/bmon/


SqStat is a script which allows to look through active squid users connections. It use cachemgr protocol to get information from squid proxy server




A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services

Currently this tool supports: TELNET, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP-PROXY, SMB, SMBNT, MS-SQL, MYSQL, REXEC, RSH, RLOGIN, CVS, SNMP, SMTP-AUTH, SOCKS5, VNC, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, PCNFS, ICQ, SAP/R3, LDAP2, LDAP3, Postgres, Teamspeak, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, AFP, Subversion/SVN, Firebird, LDAP2, Cisco AAA (incorporated in telnet module).

For HTTP, POP3, IMAP and SMTP, several login mechanisms like plain and MD5 digest are supported.


MSN Dump

Sniffea eh interpreta lo que va por el puerto 1863 :p

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# quick dirty msn sniffer
# http://miscname.com/
# $Id: msndump.pl,v 1.3 2004/11/17 10:00:33 meh Exp $
#To capture live traffic from device eth0 run:
#msndump.pl -i eth0
#To capture from tcpdump traffic.pcap file run:
#msndump.pl -r traffic.pcap
# you need Net::Pcap and Net::Packet
# use cpan or get manually
# http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AT/ATRAK/NetPacket-0.04.tar.gz
# http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/K/KC/KCARNUT/Net-Pcap-0.05.tar.gz
my $lowuid='1001';
my $lowgid='1001';
my $filter = 'tcp and port 1863';
# no modify below
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::Pcap;
use NetPacket::IP;
use NetPacket::Ethernet qw (:strip);
use Fcntl;
my $flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
my %opts;
if ( (!($opts{i})) && (!($opts{r})) ) {
print "[ msndump - miscname.com ]\n Usage:\n\t-i rl0 || -r file.pcap\n\t-c X - capture X packets\n\t-w freshIMz.txt\n\n";
if ((!$opts{r}) && ($> != '0')) {
die ("you need uid 0\n");
# main loop
my $exitvar = '0';
while ($exitvar == '0') {
# create pcap
my $pcap = &cap_pkt;
if (!($pcap)) {
  die ("cant capture\n");
# drop privs
my $GID="$lowgid";
my $UID="$lowuid";
my $EGID="$lowgid $lowgid";
# -w if set
if ($opts{w}) {
  open (FILEOUT,">$opts{w}") || die ("cant open $opts{w} ($!)\n");
  fcntl(FILEOUT, F_SETFL, $flags) or die ("couldn't set nonblock for $opts{w} ($!)\n");
# capture loop
if (($opts{c}) && ($opts{c} =~ /(\d+)/)) {
  print "stopping after $1 packets\n";
         Net::Pcap::loop($pcap, $1, \&proc_pkt, 0);
  $exitvar = '1';
} else {
         Net::Pcap::loop($pcap, -1, \&proc_pkt, 0);
  my %stats;
  Net::Pcap::stats($pcap, \%stats);
  print "saw $stats{ps_recv} packets, dropped $stats{ps_drop}\n";
# free it
print "cleaning up\n";
# close fh
if ($opts{w}) {
  print "wrote $opts{w}.\n";
  close FILEOUT;
# sub procs below
sub cap_pkt {
my ($pcap,$dev,$err,$mask,$net,$filter2);
my $snaplen = 14096; # seen some big im's :(
my $promisc = 1; # promisc of course
my $timeout = 0; # timeout
# file.pcap?
if ($opts{r}) {
  print "reading from '$opts{r}'\n";
  $pcap = Net::Pcap::open_offline($opts{r}, \$err);
  if (!($pcap)) {
   die("error opening $opts{r} ($err)\n");
} else {
  # set dev from cmdline
  $dev = $opts{i};
  print "dumping on '$opts{i}'\n";
  # get netmask for filter
  if ((Net::Pcap::lookupnet($dev, \$net, \$mask, \$err)) == -1 ) {
          die ("Net::Pcap::lookupnet failed ($err)\n");
  # open it
  $pcap = Net::Pcap::open_live($dev, $snaplen, $promisc, $timeout, \$err);
  if (!($pcap)) {
   die ("can't create packet fd ($err)\n");
# sanity check
if (!($pcap)) {
  die ("sanity check failed - \$pcap null\n");
} elsif (!($mask)) {
  $mask = '0'; # for open_offline
# make filter struct
if (Net::Pcap::compile($pcap, \$filter2, $filter, 1, $mask) != '0') {
   die ("broken filter ($filter)\n");
# apply
Net::Pcap::setfilter($pcap, $filter2);
return $pcap;
sub proc_pkt {
my($user_data, $hdr, $pkt) = @_;
my ($user,$msg);
my $ip_obj = NetPacket::IP->decode(eth_strip($pkt));
#my $ip_obj = NetPacket::IP::strip($pkt);
# check if its a message (or a p2p file transfer)
# if your reading this, include 'P2P-Dest:' in your message body to avoid sniffer ;)
if (($ip_obj->{data} !~ /MSG/m) || ($ip_obj->{data} =~ /P2P-Dest:/m)) {
} else {
  print $ip_obj->{data};
  # extract goodies
  if ( (($ip_obj->{data} =~ /MSG (.*)\@(.*)/)) || (($ip_obj->{data} =~ /P4-Context: (.*)/)) ) {
   $user = "$1\@$2";
  if ($ip_obj->{data} =~ /X-MMS-IM-Format:\s.*\r(.*)/s) { #\s\w+\=\w+\;\s\w+\=\w+\;\s\w+\=\w+\;\s\w+\=\w+\;\s\w+\=\w+\;(.*)/m) {
   $msg = $1;
  # display if we have both
  if (($user) || ($msg))
    $user = "unknown user";
   if (!($opts{w})) {
    print "\n----------------------------------------------------\n";
    print "src_ip($ip_obj->{src_ip}) dst_ip($ip_obj->{dest_ip})\n";
    print "TO/FROM: $user\nMESSAGE:\n$msg\n";
   } else {
    print FILEOUT "\n----------------------------------------------------\n";
    print FILEOUT "src_ip($ip_obj->{src_ip}) dst_ip($ip_obj->{dest_ip})\n";
    print FILEOUT "TO/FROM: $user\nMESSAGE: \n$msg\n\n";

Python Proxy

Mini Proxy en Python


sergio@sergio-thinkcentre-a70z:~$ python PythonProxy.py 
Serving on
GET http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports/dists/lenny-backports/Release.gpg HTTP/1.1
GET http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/Release.gpg HTTP/1.1
GET http://security.debian.org/dists/lenny/updates/Release.gpg HTTP/1.1

Parser y formateador de salida NMap

Algo muy útil a la hora de hacer reporte de servidores en base a un archivo de lista de servidores, ej nmap-report.pl servidores.txt, imprimiendo la salida por pantalla en formato dokuwiki.

    eval "use Nmap::Scanner";
    if ( $@ ) {
    warn  "Error to load module: Nmap::Scanner\n"
    . "Install Module:\n"
    . "\t\tcpan> install Nmap::Scanner\n";
    exit ();
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $scanner = new Nmap::Scanner;
my $lista = $ARGV[0];
my $opciones_scan = "-sS -A -vv -p0-65535 -sV -O -iL $lista";
print "Options Nmap: $opciones_scan\n";
print "^^Puerto^Estado^Servicio^Informacion^^\n";
sub scan_started {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $host     = shift;
        $hostname = $host->hostname();
        $addresses = join(',', map {$_->addr()} $host->addresses());
        my $status = $host->status();
#        print "$hostname ($addresses)\n";
sub port_found {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $host     = shift;
        my $port     = shift;
        no warnings;
        my $name = $host->hostname();
        my $puerto = $port->state();
        if ($puerto eq "open"){$pestado="abierto";}
        elsif($puerto eq "closed"){     $pestado="cerrado";}
        my $proto= $port->protocol();
        if ($proto eq "tcp"){$protoc="tcp";}
        elsif($proto eq "udp"){$protoc="udp";}
        my $salida_puerto = join('',"|",$port->portid(),"/",$protoc,"|",$pestado,"|",$port->service()->name(),"|",$port->service()->product()," ",$port->service()->version()," ",$port->service()->extrainfo(),"|");
        print "$salida_puerto\n";
sub scan_complete {
    my $self = shift;
    my $host = shift;
    no warnings;
   for my $match ($host->os()->osmatches()) {
        print "\n\n\nHost determinado aproximadamente: " . $match->name(),"\n\n";
    for my $c ($host->os()->osclasses()) {
#        print "-- " . $c->vendor() . "\n";
        print "- OS generation: " . $c->osgen() . "\n\n";
        print "- OS family:     " . $c->osfamily() . "\n\n";
        print "- OS Type:       " . $c->type() . "\n\n";
enlaces/utilidades_de_red.1541090123.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2018/11/01 16:35 por cayu