Herramientas de usuario

Herramientas del sitio



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notas:squid [2010/05/14 18:27] cayunotas:squid [2011/03/02 19:01] cayu
Línea 65: Línea 65:
 delay_parameters     1 -1/-1 102400/3000 delay_parameters     1 -1/-1 102400/3000
 delay_access         1 allow ficheros_iso delay_access         1 allow ficheros_iso
 +Ejemplo de Delay pool por horarios
 +acl winupdate dstdomain .windowsupdate.com
 +acl peakperiod time 10:00-16:00
 +delay_pools 1
 +delay_class 1 1
 +# 64 Kbit/s
 +delay_parameters 1 8000/8000
 +delay_access 1 allow winupdate peakperiod
 +Sacado de : http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/153221
 +Otros ejemplos de delay pools
 +# 157 kB/s
 +delay_pools 1
 +delay_class 1 2
 +delay_parameters 1 98304/131072 49152/131072
 +delay_access 1 allow all ancho_de_banda
 +# 8 kB/s
 +delay_pools 1
 +delay_class 1 1
 +delay_parameters 1 8192/8192
 +delay_access 1 allow all ancho_de_banda
 +# 32 kB/s
 +delay_pools 1
 +delay_class                   2
 +delay_parameters 1 32768/32768 16384/32768
 +# 50 kB/s
 +delay_pools 1
 +delay_class                   2
 +delay_parameters 1 65536/65536 32768/65536
 +delay_access 1 allow all ancho_de_banda
 +Ejemplo de dos proxys hermanos (sibling)  en una red local que comparten cache y ademas tiene dif parent proxys cada uno con prioridad cruzada
 +include squid-peers.conf
 +//squid-peers.conf// - proxy1
 +cache_peer      sibling 8080 3130 proxy-only no-delay
 +cache_peer   parent 8080 0 weight=100
 +cache_peer   parent 8080 0 weight=10
 +//squid-peers.conf// - proxy2
 +cache_peer      sibling 8080 3130 proxy-only no-delay
 +cache_peer   parent 8080 0 weight=100
 +cache_peer   parent 8080 0 weight=10
 </code> </code>
Línea 112: Línea 184:
 </code> </code>
 +Para ver la lista de usuarios del dominio
 +# wbinfo -u
 ===== Blacklist ===== ===== Blacklist =====
Línea 199: Línea 276:
 |http://dansguardian.org/|DansGuardian| |http://dansguardian.org/|DansGuardian|
 +===== Formato de LOG =====
 +== Cambiar formato de logs ==
 +Agregar la directiva //emulate_httpd_log on// en el squid.conf y se va a leer mas facil :)
 +== time.sh ==
 +//Script a cual por medio de una pipe se le envia el access.log, lo analiza y nos interpreta el formato de fecha// **UNIX** //a formato de fecha// **Human Readable** :-P.
 +<code perl>
 +#!/usr/bin/perl -pw
 +s/^\d+\.\d+/localtime $&/e;
 +Enlace interesante: http://www.tenon.com/support/webten/papers/squidlog.shtml
 +===== Información de Squid =====
 +Si queremos ver los mensajes de error de Squid traducidos
 +error_directory /usr/local/squid/share/errors/Spanish
 +Si queremos ocultar la versión del Squid a mostrar
 +httpd_suppress_version_string on
 +Si queremos modificar el nombre del host a mostrar en el mensaje de error
 +visible_hostname mihostproxy
 +Enlace interesante: http://techspalace.blogspot.com/2008/01/remove-squid-footer.html
 +===== Script para ver los top sites =====
 +<code perl>
 +#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
 +##  Squid Top Sites reporting script.
 +##  Description:
 +## This script will parse the specified squid logfile and count up the
 +## frequency a URL occurs to provide a list of most frequently accessed
 +## sites.
 +##  Author:
 +## Dave Hope  - http://davehope.co.uk
 +## Sava Chankov ( Author of squid-report.pl )
 +##  Known Issues:
 +## + Requests to the webserver on the proxy give weird results?
 +##  Changelog:
 +## 1.0.0 (Initial fork of squid-report.pl v1.2)
 +## 1.0.1
 +## + Changed to have configuration held in-file.
 +## + Removed last-visited date.
 +## + Consolidated sites with/without www.
 +## + Improved UI slightly.
 +## 1.0.2
 +## + Fixed issue with accessing on ports other than 80.
 +## + Fixed promblem with ftp:// entries in log.
 +## 1.2.0
 +## + Added ability to sort by size, rather than frequency.
 +##  License:
 +##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 +## under the GNU General Public License.
 +## This script is based on  'squid-report.pl' v1.2 by Sava Chankov and has
 +## been adjusted for my specific requirements.
 +## The original script can be found here:
 +## http://backpan.perl.org/authors/id/S/SA/SAVA/squid-report.pl
 +use strict;
 +# Configuration.
 +my $cfgNumberToShow = 250;
 +my $cfgLog = "/var/log/squid/access.log";
 +my $cfgOutput = "/var/www/top-sites-size.htm";
 +# by_times_visited_then_name or by_size_then_name
 +my $cfgSortMethod = "by_size_then_name";
 +# Stop editing here unless you know what you're doing.
 +my $cfgDate = gmtime;
 +my $row;
 +my($epoch_time_miliseconds, $unknown_integer1, $ip, $tcp_and_http_code);
 +my($unknown_integer2, $http_method, $url, $minus, $squid_method_site_url, $content_type);
 +my($site_url, %sites);
 +# Open output file
 +open(OUTPUT, ">$cfgOutput") || die("Cannot open output file");
 +# Print header HTML
 +print OUTPUT <<END;
 +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
 +<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 + <head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
 + <title>Squid Top-Site Report</title>
 + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
 + <style type="text/css">
 + <!--
 + body { font: normal 1.0em 'Trebuchet MS' }
 + ul { list-style-type: none }
 + ul a { position: absolute; left: 150px }
 + #Generated { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-style:italic }
 + #Footer { color: #cecece; line-height: 150%; border-top: 1px solid #cecece; padding: 0.4em }
 + -->
 + </style>
 + </head>
 + <body>
 + <h1>Most frequently visites sites</h1>
 + <p id="Generated">Report generated on $cfgDate</p>
 + <ul>
 +# Iterate through lines inaccess.log
 +open(LOG, "$cfgLog") or die "Can't open file $cfgLog!";
 + $row = $_;
 + ($epoch_time_miliseconds, $unknown_integer1, $ip, $tcp_and_http_code, $unknown_integer2, $http_method, $url, $minus, $squid_method_site_url, $content_type) = split(/\s+/, $row);
 + # Not checking for http:// etc because we want to include CONNECT's and
 + # multi-protocol data.
 + $url =~ s/http:\/\///;
 + $url =~ s/ftp:\/\///;
 + $url =~ s/www.//;
 + $url =~ s/\/$//;
 + # If the url is empty (which occurs occasionally in my logs, no idea
 + # why, then don't add it to the list.
 + if (!$url )
 + {
 + next;
 + }
 + # Patern match data between slashes.
 + ($site_url) = ($url =~ m{ ([A-Za-z0-9.\-:]+)}x );
 + # Only match html content.
 + if($content_type =~ m{text/html})
 + {
 + # If hash already contains an entry for the exact URL.
 + if ($sites{$site_url})
 + {
 +      $sites{$site_url}->{count}++;
 + }
 + # If no matching entry exists, create one.
 + else
 + {
 + $sites{$site_url}->{count} = 1;
 + }
 + }
 + # Update size of content for website regardless of content-type.
 + if (!$sites{$site_url}->{size})
 + {
 + $sites{$site_url}->{size} = 0;
 + }
 + $sites{$site_url}->{size} = $sites{$site_url}->{size} + $unknown_integer2;
 +# Iterate through visited sites.
 +foreach $site_url ( sort ($cfgSortMethod keys (%sites) ) )
 + # Only show top x entries.
 + if ($cfgNumberToShow > 0)
 + {
 + if ($cfgSortMethod eq "by_times_visited_then_name")
 + {
 + print OUTPUT " <li>" . $sites{$site_url}->{count} ."<a href=\"http://" . $site_url . "/\">" . $site_url . "</a></li>\n";
 + }
 + elsif ($cfgSortMethod eq "by_size_then_name")
 + {
 + print OUTPUT "          <li>" . format_size($sites{$site_url}->{size}) ."<a href=\"http://" . $site_url . "/\">" . $site_url . "</a></li>\n";
 + }
 + $cfgNumberToShow--;
 + }
 +# Print Footer HTML
 +print OUTPUT <<END;
 + </ul>
 + <div id="Footer">Producted by <a href="http://davehope.co.uk">Squid Top-Site Report Generator</a>.</div>
 + </body>
 +# Sort sites by frequency visited, then alphabetically.
 +sub by_times_visited_then_name {
 + $sites{$b}->{count} <=> $sites{$a}->{count} 
 + ||
 + $a cmp $b
 +# Sort by size, then alphabetically.
 +sub by_size_then_name {
 +        $sites{$b}->{size} <=> $sites{$a}->{size}
 +                ||
 +        $a cmp $b
 +# Version: 1.0
 +# Copyright: Bryant H. McGill - 11c Lower Dorset Street, Dublin 1, Ireland
 +# Web Address: http://www.bryantmcgill.com/Shazam_Perl_Module/
 +# Use Terms: Free for non-commercial use, commercial use with notification.
 +# Legal: This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
 +# The entire risk of use remains with the recipient.
 +# In no event shall Bryant McGill be liable for any direct,
 +# consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages.
 +sub format_size{
 +  my($bytes) = @_;
 +  return '' if ($bytes eq '');
 +  my($size);
 +  $size = $bytes . ' Bytes' if ($bytes < 1024);
 +  $size = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes/1024)) . ' KB' if ($bytes >= 1024 && $bytes < 1048576);
 +  $size = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes/1048576)) . ' MB' if ($bytes >= 1048576 && $bytes < 1073741824);
 +  $size = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes/1073741824)) . ' GB' if ($bytes >= 1073741824 && $bytes < 1099511627776);
 +  $size = sprintf("%.2f", ($bytes/1099511627776)) . ' TB' if ($bytes >= 1099511627776);
 +  return $size;
notas/squid.txt · Última modificación: 2018/11/27 13:58 por cayu