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manuales:nagios:thruk [2015/04/16 20:36] – [CLI & Scripting] cayumanuales:nagios:thruk [2015/04/23 20:28] – [Configuración de Thruk] cayu
Línea 226: Línea 226:
 ^resource_file|Establezca un archivo de recursos en general. Se recomienda solo usar esta opción si no hay contraseñas se utilizan en este archivo o en combinación con la opción 'expand_user_macros' que limitará qué macros están expuestos al usuario.|resource_file = /etc/nagios3/resource.cfg| ^resource_file|Establezca un archivo de recursos en general. Se recomienda solo usar esta opción si no hay contraseñas se utilizan en este archivo o en combinación con la opción 'expand_user_macros' que limitará qué macros están expuestos al usuario.|resource_file = /etc/nagios3/resource.cfg|
 === Opciones de búsqueda === === Opciones de búsqueda ===
 +^use_new_search|The new search supports regular expressions and searches in many attributes. For example: plugin_output, groups, names, descriptions|use_new_search = 1|
 +^default_service_filter|Set a default service filter which is used when no other filter is applied (except from links to hosts or groups). The filter is negated by a leading exclamation mark. The example filters out all services starting with "test_". You can use regular expressions. The Default is not set.|default_service_filter = !<html>^</html>test_|
 +^use_ajax_search|Enables the ajax search field. There will be suggestions while typing into the search field.|use_ajax_search = 1|
 +^ajax_search_hosts|Enables the suggestion of hosts in the ajax search field. Depending on the number of hosts, this can make the search slow.|ajax_search_hosts = 1|
 +^ajax_search_hostgroups|Enables the suggestion of hostgroups in the ajax search field.|ajax_search_hostgroups = 1|
 +^ajax_search_services|Enables the suggestion of services in the ajax search field. Depending on the number of services, this can make the search slow.|ajax_search_services = 1|
 +^ajax_search_servicegroups|Enables the suggestion of servicegroups in the ajax search field.|ajax_search_servicegroups = 1|
 +^ajax_search_timeperiods|Enables the suggestion of timeperiods in the ajax search field. Timeperiods will only displayed when filtering by check- or notification period.|ajax_search_timeperiods = 1|
 === Opciones de paginación === === Opciones de paginación ===
 +^use_pager|Using the pager will make huge pages much faster as most people don’t want a services page with 100.000 services displayed. Can be disabled if you don’t need it.|use_pager = 1|
 +^paging_steps|Define the selectable paging steps. Use the * to set the default selected value.|paging_steps = *100, 500, 1000, all|
 +^group_paging_overview|Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups overview page.|group_paging_overview =  *3,  10, 100, all|
 +^group_paging_summary|Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups summary page.|group_paging_summary = *10, 50, 100, all|
 +^group_paging_grid|Just like the paging_steps, but only for the groups grip page.|group_paging_grid = *5,  10, 50,  all|
 === Opciones de pantalla === === Opciones de pantalla ===
 +^host_action_icon|Change path to your host action icons. You may use relative paths to specify completely different location. You also may want to use 'action_pnp.png' when using pnp. Icon can be overridden by a custom variable '_ACTION_ICON'.|host_action_icon = action.gif|
 +^service_action_icon|Change path to your service action icons. You may use relative paths to specify completely different location. You also may want to use 'action_pnp.png' when using pnp. Icon can be overridden by a custom variable '_ACTION_ICON'.|service_action_icon = action.gif|
 +^initial_menu_state|Set initial menu state.|closed  => 0\\ open    => 1<code>
 +  General        = 1
 +  Current_Status = 1
 +  Reports        = 1
 +  System         = 1
 +  Bookmarks      = 1
 +^use_frames|Set whether you want to use a framed navigation or not. With using frames it’s sometimes easier to include addons. See allowed_frame_links option for how to integrate addons.|use_frames = 0|
 +^use_new_command_box|Show the new split command box on the host / service details page.|use_new_command_box = 1|
 +^bug_email_rcpt|what email address bug reports will be sent to|bug_email_rcpt = bugs@thruk.org|
 +^datetime_format|Default timeformat. Use POSIX format.|datetime_format = %Y-%m-%d  %H:%M:%S|
 +^datetime_format_long|Default long timeformat.|datetime_format_long = %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y|
 +^datetime_format_log|Default log timeformat.|datetime_format_log = %B %d, %Y  %H|
 +^datetime_format_trends|Default trends timeformat.|datetime_format_trends = %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y|
 +^datetime_format_today|Default timeformat for todays date. Can be useful if you want a shorter date format for today.|datetime_format_today = %H:%M:%S|
 +^info_popup_event_type|On which event should the comments / downtime or longpluginoutput popup show up. Valid values are onclick or onmouseover.|info_popup_event_type = onmouseover|
 +^info_popup_options|Options for the popup window used for long pluginoutput, downtimes and comments.\\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/?Command_Reference for what options are available|info_popup_options = STICKY,CLOSECLICK,HAUTO,MOUSEOFF|
 +^show_notification_number|Display the current number of notification after the current / max attempts on the status details page.|show_notification_number = 0|
 +^show_backends_in_table|Display the backend/site name in the status table. This is useful if you have same hosts or services on different backends and need to know which one returns an error.|Valid values are:\\ 1 - show site name at the end\\ 2 - put site name in front\\ \\ show_backends_in_table = 0|
 +^show_config_edit_buttons|Show links to config tool for each host / service. You need to have the config tool plugin enabled and you need proper permissions for the link to appear.|show_config_edit_buttons = 1|
 +^show_full_commandline|Display the full command line for host / service checks . Be warned, the command line could contain passwords and other confidential data. In order to replace the user macros for commands, you have to set the 'resource_file' in your peer config or a general resource_file option.\\ 0 = off, don’t show the command line at all\\ 1 = show them for contacts with the role: authorized_for_configuration_information \\ 2 = show them for everyone|show_full_commandline = 0|
 +^show_full_commandline_source|Usually the source of your expanded check_command should be the check_command attribute of your host / service. But under certain circumstances you might want to use display expanded commands from a custom variable. In this case, set 'show_full_commandline_source' to '_CUST_VAR_NAME'.|show_full_commandline_source = check_command|
 +^show_logout_button|Show additional logout button next to the top right preferences button. (works only together with cookie authentication)|show_logout_button=1|
 +^show_long_plugin_output|When a plugin returns more than one line of output, the output can be displayed directly in the status table, as popup or not at all. Choose between popup, inline and off|show_long_plugin_output = popup|
 +^status_color_background|Color complete status line with status colour or just the status itself.|status_color_background=0|
 +^show_modified_attributes|Show if a host / service has modified attributes.|show_modified_attributes = 1|
 +^show_host_attempts|Show check attempts for hosts too. The default is to show them on the problems page only. Use this value to force a value.|show_host_attempts = 1|
 +^perf_bar_mode|This option enables a performance bar inside the status/host list which create a graph from the performance data of the plugin output. Available options are 'match', 'first', 'all', 'worst' and 'off'.\\ match: try to set graph which matches the output\\ all: graph all performance values available\\ first: graph only the first performance value\\ worst: graph only the graph for the worst state\\ off: graph no value at all|perf_bar_mode = match|
 +^perf_bar_pnp_popup|Show pnp popup if performance data are available and pnp is used as graph engine.|perf_bar_pnp_popup = 1|
 +^shown_inline_pnp|Show inline pnp graph if available. If a service or host has a pnp4nagios action or notes url set.\\ Thruk will show a inline graph on the extinfo page.\\ This works for /pnp4nagios/ urls and /pnp/.|shown_inline_pnp = 1|
 +^graph_word|graph_word is a regexp used to display any graph on the details page. if a service or host has a graph url in action url (or notes url) set it can be displayed by specifying a regular expression that always appears in this url. You can specify multiple graph_words.When using pnp4nagios, no graph_word is required, just keep it empty.|graph_word = /render/ # for graphite|
 +^show_custom_vars|Show custom vars in host / service ext info. List variable names to display in the host and service extinfo details page. Can be specified more than once to define multiple variables. You may use html in your variables. Use * as wildcard, ex.: _VAR*|show_custom_vars = _VAR1|
 +^expand_user_macros|Expand user macros ($USERx$) for host / service commands and custom variables.\\ Can be specified more than once to define multiple user macros to expand.\\ Be warned, some user macros can contain passwords and expanding them could expose them to unauthorized users. Use * as wildcard, ex.: USER*\\ Defaults to 'ALL' which means all user macros are expanded, because its limited to admin users anyway.|expand_user_macros = USER1\\ expand_user_macros = USER10-20\\ expand_user_macros = PLUGIN*\\ expand_user_macros = ALL  # expands all user macros\\  expand_user_macros = NONE # do not expand user macros|
 +^show_error_reports|Show link to bug reports when internal errors occur. Set to '1' to show a error icon which links to a error report mail. Set to 'server' to log js error server side. Set to 'both' to log server side but still show the icon.|show_error_reports = both|
 +^skip_js_errors|don’t report some known harmless javascript errors|skip_js_errors = cluetip is not a function|
 +^strict_passive_mode|Normally passive checks would be marked as disabled.\\ With this option set, disabled checks will only be displayed as disabled if their last result was active. Otherwise they would be marked as passive checks.\\ This option also changes the passive icon only to be shown when the last check was passive, otherwise the disabled icon will be displayed.|strict_passive_mode = 1|
 +^hide_passive_icon|Normally passive checks whould be displayed with a passive icon if their last result is passive. With this option, passive icon will be hidden in status details.|hide_passive_icon = 0|
 +^sitepanel|The sitepanel is used to display multiple backends/sites at a glance. With than 10 or more sites, the list of backends will be combined into the 'compact' site panel which just displays the totals of available / down / disabled sites. The 'compact' panel will also automatically be used if you use sections. With more than 50 backends, the 'collapsed' will be selected in 'auto' mode. Set sitepanel to list/compact/collapsed/auto/off to change the default behaviour.|sitepanel = auto|
 +^apache_status|You can integrate the output of apache status into Thruk. The following list of apache status pages will be accessible from the performance info page.\\ Make sure the page is accessible from Thruk, credentials will be passed through. So both, basic authentication or ip based authentication would be possible.\\ Read more about Apaches mod_status here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html|<code><apache_status>
 +  Site
 +  System
 +  Other
 === Opciones de conexión === === Opciones de conexión ===
 ==== Configuración de CGI ==== ==== Configuración de CGI ====
Línea 589: Línea 652:
        { Limit => "10,20" }        { Limit => "10,20" }
     );     );
 +== Otros ejemplos ==
 +<code perl>
 +use Monitoring::Livestatus;
 +$filtergrp = 'NAGIOS_ARGENTINA';
 +$ml = Monitoring::Livestatus->new(
 + socket => '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/live'
 +my $up = $ml->selectscalar_value("GET hosts\nFilter: host_groups >= $filtergrp\nStats: state = 0");
 +my $down = $ml->selectscalar_value("GET hosts\nFilter: host_groups >= $filtergrp\nStats: state = 1");
 +my $unknown = $ml->selectscalar_value("GET hosts\nFilter: host_groups >= $filtergrp\nStats: state = 2");
 +my $total = $up + $down + $unknown;
 +print "$down\/$total \n";
 </code> </code>
 ===== Acerca de la Guía ===== ===== Acerca de la Guía =====
-Esta guía **no oficial** esta inspirada en la documentación original de Thruk. Está pensada para ir presentando casos de uso que se van dando en la operatoria día a dia.+Esta guía **no oficial** esta inspirada en la documentación original de Thruk. Está pensada para ir presentando casos de uso que se van dando en la operatoria día a dia.  
 +En principio es casi una copia de la original, con algunas partes traducidas y otras no. La idea es que con el tiempo y poniendo códigos y experiencias personales.
 Thruk es un proyecto muy bueno que me ayuda en mostrar mi trabajo día a día y tiene una comunidad muy activa. Si estas leyendo esto y estas siendo beneficiado por Thruk, te invito a realizar una [[http://www.thruk.org/donate.html|donación al proyecto]] Thruk es un proyecto muy bueno que me ayuda en mostrar mi trabajo día a día y tiene una comunidad muy activa. Si estas leyendo esto y estas siendo beneficiado por Thruk, te invito a realizar una [[http://www.thruk.org/donate.html|donación al proyecto]]
manuales/nagios/thruk.txt · Última modificación: 2015/10/22 14:46 por cayu